Hello to ALL Aussies

6 Months For 6 Dollars( A Limited Time Offer )

Welcome to ALL my fellow Australian Citizens

It is my hope that many of us are motivated to take back the initiative to do what is required to peacefully and respectfully assert a good degree of control over ALL decisions made by politicians and beauracrats from this point on.
I have made a study of the relevant portions of The Australian Constitution, that relate to “The (true ) Power Of The People”.

It has amazed me, and I am pretty sure it will amaze many other Australians as well.

The fact is, according to my interpretation of The Australian Constitution, if the majority of Australians make Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II or Her Envoy here in Australia, The Governor General of Australia, Sir Peter Cosgrove aware of their Written WILL, and as long as it is humanly possible to do ( She cannot control Global warming for example ), Her Majesty and/or Sir Peter Cosgrove will INSTRUCT The Government of the day to immediately carry out The WILL of The Australian People! REGARDLESS of any complaints from ANY politicians.

I include here a paragraph for your information ( see more on page 1 )
Quote One

“By these legal implications ( embodied in The Constitution Of Australia ) you have a Lawful Duty and Obligation to keep your Members and Senators fully informed about what your WILL is upon any issue or matter that comes before them in their houses of parliament, or that should come before them in their houses of parliament.”

I will do “the heavy lifting” so to speak, but you will need to support my efforts and do those miniscule things that are required of you. I sincerely believe it will be a great activity for all Australians.

Further, I believe that if enough Aussie Citizens are motivated to be involved in this initiative, it will rank in history, much like the importance of events such as The Eureka Stockade, Cyclone Tracy or Australia winning the America’s Cup.

Stay informed and updated

Just six bucks for six issues

This is NOT entertainment, but IT IS VITAL knowledge
