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Below you will find both written and video explanations of MY feelings and opinions, they are NOT MEANT to influence you, only to give you my opinion. Based on my view, that many Australians do NOT have the opportunity to know just how serious it all is.


Welcome to The Gazette page, of The Will Of Australians.

The will of Australians Gazette

Selling of Australia’s Assets

Aggressive Marketing of The Homosexual lifestyle

Australia’s Immigration Policy

Australian Constitution Rights

We live in a troubled world. I believe there are many many questions Australians need to ask as a matter of considerable urgency. It is my feeling that Millions of Australian People are in serious need of answers, but are wary
( or perhaps even afraid ) of asking questions for fear of reprisals in various forms, being branded sexist, racist, bigot, islamaphobe, far right wing, far left wing, homophobe, or other even less desirable terms, &/or threats, it seems to me whether actually true &/or justified or not.

Even the fact that this situation regarding Australian People’s concerns about asking questions exists, and that a great many Australians are unable to openly and freely ask any question they desire is in itself, to my mind confirmation that there are serious problems within our society.
This work is designed to put out as much information for the sake of The People, to allow as many as possible to acquaint themselves with information so as to be able to form opinions, and consequently make decisions based on that knowledge.

This Newsletter is a long held passion of mine. I do not seek to force my will upon any other person, however, I do seek, via this Newsletter to provide as much information as I possibly can, with the view to make this information available to all, and in so doing, make it possible for ALL Australians to make well informed decisions. I have long held a deep and sincere passion ( as long as I can remember ) for Australia, the country & the People I love & respect. One of the proudest things I can say about myself is “I am an Australian”!

I welcome You, and recommend ALL Australians read the Newsletter, because I have studied the situation ( as I see it ) for over ten years. After spending “a lifetime” in Marketing, and as an ex Associate of The Australian Marketing Institute, I have a natural affinity for “why people do what they do”, and “what is the likely outcome of a certain course of action”.

As a result of my focus over time, I have come to the frightening revelation, that Australia is being influenced ( I suggest manipulated ), by outspoken, vocal minorities, as a result of that, I believe very firmly that Australia is in CRISIS!
Australia is in CRISIS to a degree in my opinion that it has never been before.
I acknowledge the profound nature of my comment above, but be assured, I stand by it One Hundred Percent!

For example, I believe that whilst there are serious problems all around the world, including here in Australia, Australia is faced with what I believe is a set of crises, that unless addressed and resolved speedily, and in the best interests of The Majority Of Australians, the Australia that we all know, the Australia that has ( again ) been voted as “The Best Place On Earth To Live” will be destroyed as we know it. Further, I believe, once what I see as being the impending damage is done, the Australia we all know currently will be destroyed, and can never be recovered.

Frightening stuff I acknowledge, but believe me when I say I feel I MUST make these comments, I feel it is a responsibility to inform my fellow Aussies, also be assured, it scares the living daylights out of me to write this information. I do feel, that a great many Australians feel the same way.
As I see It!

Australia is faced with many serious issues.
Australia is being influenced by vocal self interest groups ( minorities )
I believe there are Four issues that unless addressed quickly and managed in the best interests of The Majority of Australians, as I write above, the Australia of today will be lost forever.

Those four issues are :-

  1. Selling off of Australia’s Assets
  2. Aggressive Marketing of the homosexual lifestyle
  3. Australia’s current immigration policies.
  4. Australian’s lack of knowledge of, and Australian’s lack of Application of the inalienable rights of the individual under The Australian Constitution.

I set out here, a “condensed” explanation of what I believe is real, what I believe is fair, and in the best interests of The Majority Of Australians. However, I state here, that I intend no harm of any kind to any person.

1. Selling of the Assets owned by The Australian People..

Firstly, I do acknowledge that we as a Country are in deep financial stress. At this time (early 2017) Australia is OVER FIVE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS in debt. At this time, Australians are responsible for paying approximately ONE AND A HALF BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH in interest on our loans.
However, I believe our politicians have one of two absolute and URGENT responsibilities to the Australian People.
One, they MUST address The Australian People and inform us of just how serious our debt position is and justify these sales, or
I believe most Bankers, or astute business people would tell you, that when a business or Family or Organisation begins to sell its ASSETS, it is in severe trouble, and powerful Business Management Practices need to be applied to rectify that situation. I acknowledge that politicians and possibly the media will disagree with this, but I assert that will be to either defend or enhance their own position ( YOU can work out which ).
Fact is, by selling electricity, gas, water, trains, trams, buses, land and businesses ( and many other assets owned by The Australian People ), our politicians are changing the absolute way of life of our Children, Grand Children and so on for all time. Future generations of Australians will be manipulated and put at the mercy of ( in many cases ) foreign investors/shareholders who’s ONLY interest is in getting more and more profits year after year after year, and most likely have absolutely NO INTEREST IN OR COMPASSION FOR THE AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE.
Many may criticize these thoughts, but I assert that it is not my role to define answers, my role here is to highlight the problem and make All Australians aware ( if they are not already ) and assert The Public WILL upon politicians to seek the best outcome, with due regard to the wishes of The Majority Of Australians.

2. Aggressive Marketing of The homosexual lifestyle

Firstly, let me be very clear, I have no problem at all with a person who chooses to lead a homosexual lifestyle. Australian Law has been changed many times to enhance the standards by which homosexuals can live their lives in Australia, and I have no problem with that whatsoever.
However, I do see a trend and that certainly does disturb me deeply.
I am of the opinion, that the general homosexual society ( so to speak ) is seeking to elevate the status and profile of homosexuals, and this appears to be happening in many parts of the world. For example, as I have previously written, I have been monitoring the general life and lifestyle of Australians for many years, and it is clear that not so long ago it was virtually non existent to see two people of the same sex appear and display openly affection characteristics on ( for example ) a National TV show.
In more recent times, it became far more often to see this, to the point where a very high percentage of “reality shows” would have what might be described as “token gays”.
In more recent times ( early 2017 ), it is my opinion now, that is virtually impossible to watch any amount of television WITHOUT seeing gays appear.
I admit, that I do find it unsettling to see this degree of gays, well over represented as a minority group in our society.
My main concern is as follows.
If we continue to encourage the growth in acceptance of the gay lifestyle, it will permeate into all aspects of Australian life, even more than it is presently. I do NOT believe that is a desirable presence in a society such as Australia. It is a fundamental change to the way of life of ALL AUSTRALIANS for the sake of a minority of ( approx ) 3 or 4 percent of our society.
I am even more disturbed by the ( so called ) Safe Schools Program. The originators of this program have admitted that it is not about school bullying at all, and never was. It was falsely called “Safe Schools” purely to comply with Government funding to gain a Government Grant to finance the program. Further, One of the originators is on video, admitting the program was never about school bullying, it was about “sexual diversity”, and yet the program is still being allowed to proceed, despite many politicians and commentators objecting. I predict that in One Year, Two, five Years, there will be just as much School Bullying as there is now, VERY LIKELY MORE, DUE IN NO SMALL PART TO THIS PROGRAM,.
I believe I speak for the Majority of Australians when I state that I have no problem accepting homosexual behaviour , but I do not believe it is reasonable for a minority of ( approx ) 3 or 4 percent of the Australian population to exert their lifestyle &/or wishes on the 95 percent Majority and expect them to Celebrate it!
Further, I believe if The Australian People are presented with the change to the Marriage Laws, which would allow same sex couples to marry, we will all be besieged with homosexual behaviour in all aspects of our lives.
I specifically object in the strongest possible way to the safe schools program.
I specifically object in the strongest possible way to the approval of same sex toilets.
I specifically object in the strongest possible way to the obliteration of Gender. Males are and always will be males, Females are and will always be Females, regardless of what ANY INDIVIDUAL may think!
There are numerous minority groups in any society, for example, gamblers, or alcoholics, and we as a compassionate society, don’t ostracise these people, we try and support them as best we as a society can, but we don’t Celebrate them, and I feel the same exists with homosexuals.
It is my feeling, that it is already out of control.

3. Australia’s current immigration policies.

“This is one of The Most Divisive factors we have ever faced as a Nation and as a People”.
Recent surveys ( 2 ) showed that half of Australians were in favour of an immediate stop to Islamic Immigration into our country.
I believe most sincerely, that both muslims and non muslims have made a mistake in thinking Australia was going to be a suitable destination for muslims to reside long term here in Australia. There have been ample reports of the frustration and dissatisfaction of both, and in my opinion, that can only get worse over time. Regrettable but a fact to my mind. To my knowledge, there has never been a factor of Australian life that has divided our Nation and our People like the importation of followers of islam.
It appears true to say, that a great many of these people, Muslim and Non Muslim are dissatisfied with life in Australia. Many claims have been made to change the way of life we have spent hundreds of years to establish, and I am firmly of the view that this will increase over time, NOT decrease.
When one looks around the world, it is evident that there is a basic incompatibility between followers of islam and those who do not. Those who do not, are referred to by these people as “infidels”, or “non believers”. I find both terms objectionable indeed.
Even though parts of our Government and the main stream media seem unwilling to report accurately, the tensions etc from around the world, I believe it is essential for ALL AUSTRALIANS to be fully aware of what is happening globally, to properly assess the likely hood of the exact same thing happening here in Australia.
It is important to acknowledge that it appears there are many muslims who have settled well and assimilated into Australian life, and are valuable long term citizens. However, I believe it to be true, indeed, I believe it is unarguable, that the radical component of islam will always take precedence over peaceful people including muslims.
Considering that Australia is currently OVER FIVE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS in debt, and Australian Tax Payers are paying ONE AND A HALF BILLION DOLLARS every month in interest on our loans. To my mind, considering the enormous cost of welfare for these people, regardless of any Ideological or religious reasons, we need to very carefully consider our immigration policies immediately.
It is impossible in my opinion, following a thorough look around the world, NOT to have a very grounded and real fear of what will happen here in Australia as the influx of muslims increases but it is YOU, the ordinary every day AUSSIE who MUST make YOUR FEELINGS known.
I also believe it to be an unarguable fact, that despite the very best attempts to correctly identify refugees, it is a simple fact of life ( no disrespect meant ) the more muslims we allow in to Australia, the more radical element we will have here also. The Director of the FBI ( USA ) Mr James Covey has stated on international Television, “it is impossible to correctly identify all these people, and determine what there intensions are”. It is not unreasonable to say that we have seen the unfortunate proof of this already.
My Newsletter (s) contain videos from all around the world, which in my opinion, present a clear picture sufficient for any reasonable person to form a view based on solid evidence. These videos in the main either feature muslims, or are videos actually made by muslims, they are not meant in any way to present a bias view, they are what they are!
Despite my very best efforts to locate and record pleasant and positive aspects of our current world. You can see all of that ( be that as it is ) in my Newsletters.
It is a crucial factor here, that according to international statistics, the
( so called ) muslim Family reproduction rate is approximately 4 to 5 times the Family reproduction rate presently of non muslim Australian Families. According to statistics the current Australian Family reproduction rate ( non muslim ) is below what is internationally referred to as the “species survival rate”, which is 2.2 offspring per couple. Australia’s “species survival rate” is below that figure at 1.8 or 9. What that means is, within a moderately short few years, there will be more muslims here in Australia than there are non muslims. Is there an implication here that ALL Australian Families need to consider? Having regards to what are currently Children, or even yet unborn Australians? What will The Australia of 30 years from now 50 Years look like?
If there is a desire to NOT see Australia as a predominantly muslim nation, then “something” has to happen, hopefully from a peaceful standpoint. BUT, action nevertheless.
I believe we as a People are more divided right now than we have ever been before. I believe we as a people NEED to make some decisions, and quickly!
Do we sell all of our valuable assets to fund our present lifestyle?
Do we approve same sex marriage and have the homosexual community run rampant over the rest of Australia? Allow the 4 or 5 percent to enforce their lifestyle and views on the other 95 or 96 percent?
Will this Influence the young more vulnerable of our Society?
Do we embrace islam in all of its forms, and remain divided as a nation?
Do we examine each of these Most Important factors, gain information, make decisions of our own free Will, then assert our Judicially defined and perfectly legal rights under The Australian Constitution?
Do we TELL our politicians of our decision, and INSTRUCT them to carry out our wishes?
My role, and the role of The Will Of Australians is NOT to provide answers, it is to provide information so as to allow my fellow Australians to have sufficient information to allow the rest of Australia to make informed decisions.
I am also seeking to make it more simple to make your decisions known and MAKE THEM COUNT. I will reveal this is future Newsletters.

4. Australian’s lack of knowledge of, and Australian’s lack of Application of the inalienable rights of the individual under The Australian Constitution.

I have stated in numerous other forums, that I have made a “layman’s” study of the appropriate aspects of The Australian Constitution. Whilst The Australian Constitution in its entirety is a long and complicated Document, I do not believe it is a requirement for all Australians to have an intimate knowledge of the complete Document. BUT, I DO BELIEVE it is essential for every Australian Citizen to know the basics of what the rights are as an individual under this, The Most Powerful Document in our land.
Nothing, takes precedence over our Australian Constitution. NOT Family, NOT Politicians, NOT Teachers, NOT Police, NOT Judges, NOT The Courts.

I make this following comment, in the full knowledge that “certain people” will argue with my explanation.
“Under The Australian Constitution, if enough Australian Citizens make their Written WILL known, either The Current Politicians will abide by The Written WILL of The People, OR, Queen Elizabeth II will INSTRUCT The Governor General of Australia, Sir Peter Cosgrove to INSTRUCT the current Politicians to do so, regardless of any opposition or complaints of those Politicians”.
“Providing it is physically possible to be done ( Her Majesty cannot control Global Warming for example ) and regardless of any complaint, Her Majesty will abide by The Written WILL of The People Of Australia”.

My Newsletters will each have a focus on the “layman’s” interpretation of The Australian Constitution, in the hope I can facilitate at least a useful degree of knowledge that can be applied in everyday life for the betterment of Our Nation.
I hope to make some announcements in the near future in regards to a facility I will make available to make the application of The Australian Constitution by The Individual far easier than it is at this time.
Given the opportunity, I will also be canvassing The Education Department for inclusion of The Australian Constitution in The Curriculum of ALL Australian Schools.

“If we were taught the realities of The Australian Constitution at school, Australia would NOT be in the crap it is in right now”
Les Power

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